Saturday, June 15, 2024 @ 7:30 PM
Pacific Spirit United Church – 2195 W 45th Ave., Vancouver, BC
What do you get when you combine exquisite Argentinian music, experts who play traditional Latin American instruments, a world-class classical guitarist, and a much sought after mezzo-soprano? You get Vivaldi Chamber Choir’s season finale: ¡Cantamos!
This is not going to be your every-day-choir-concert. It is going to be extraordinary in so many ways. Featuring incredible folk songs and original compositions brought to life by the members of Vivaldi Chamber Choir along with the incredible talents of:
- Fabiana Katz, mezzo-soprano
- Michael Kolk
- Rene Hugo
- Eduardo Lucastegui
The programme will feature the choir on its own as well as in collaboration with our guest instrumentalists and our own Barry Yamanouchi. In addition, our guest soloist will be performing with Michael Kolk and our “banda”. There may even be a surprise duet on the programme… but you will need to buy a ticket to know for certain!
If you are interested in a season’s subscription, please e-mail us at Prices for a season’s subscription are $85 flat for adults, and $70 flat for students/seniors. Save your seat, $5, and the fees! Subscriptions available via e-transfer, cheque, or cash!
Donations can be made at the concert by cash, cheque, or e-transfer.
Your continuing support is always much appreciated.
Vivaldi Chamber Choir believes in the power of music to affect positive change in our world. We recognize that we rehearse, perform and record on the traditional, ancestral lands of the Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleiwatuth people. We acknowledge that the land’s historical relationships with these peoples has existed since time immemorial. We express our gratitude to these peoples and value the opportunity to create music on this land.

Season Sponsor – Point Grey Pharmacy